Dear Struggling with Romance

Dear Poppy design created by Sydney Haulenbeek.

Dear Poppy design created by Sydney Haulenbeek.

Poppy, Advice Columnist

Dear Poppy,


I’ve had feelings for this girl since I met her last year. I kinda wanna tell her, but I have no idea how to do it. What should I do? How should I tell her? All I know is that when I tell her it’ll get rid of some of the stress I have. Thanks for answering if you do.


—Struggling with Romance


Dear Struggling with Romance,


The best thing you can do is be open and honest about your feelings. Lay out exactly how you feel in a way that you’re comfortable with. If you’re nervous about confrontation or don’t know how to phrase it, try telling her over text. If you prefer to be more personal, tell her in person—while social distancing, of course. You also don’t need to be overly romantic if you don’t want to. I know plenty of people who simply say, “I really like you. How do you feel?”


While your comfort is important, also remember to prioritize her comfort. Don’t pressure her to return your feelings or give an immediate response. I’m sure she’ll be equally as nervous.


I wish you the best of luck.



Poppy <3