“Looking for Alaska” Speaks About Social Issues
Alaska Young, played by Kristine Froseth, in Hulu’s promotional poster for “Looking for Alaska”.
Looking for Alaska” is a show produced by Hulu that was released on October 18, 2019. The eight-episode long season is filled with heartache, laughter, learning experiences, family values, and most importantly, friendship. The show was made to bring awareness to the importance of family and friends and knowing the signs of depression, especially when it involves alcohol and smoking.
The first scene starts out dark and rainy with cops blocking the road. Our view was from the driver of a car, an identity unknown, and the driver crashes the car, at an exhilarating speed, almost running over a state trooper, and in the end…crashing. The first episode was a masterpiece; the beginning scene created a strong hook, and at the end of each episode, the viewer was given a number of days before the answer of who was driving the car.
In the first episode, we are introduced to Miles Halter, known as Pudge, and through the show we learn about the history of his school and his friends, and Miles realizes this academy has more adventure than it seems. We discover rumors of a rat among the academy who snitched on a couple for drinking and smoking, which led them to be expelled, and see a prank war where things are taken too far.
By the end of the show, out of nowhere, a slanted turn of events ruins everything as a main character dies in a car crash after drinking. Miles spends the rest of the episodes trying to find out if it was a suicide or something else, leaving everyone in pain and friendships ripped apart.
I felt this show puts a deep emotion on drinking and driving, as well as suicide. “Looking for Alaska” is a great show that mirrors the reality of mental health, and gives some light on why it’s never too late to ask for help. I don’t cry during shows, but “Looking for Alaska” really hit home in some type of way and spoke to me on different areas of social issues today. It gave me a better point of view on suicide and addiction problems, as well as educated me on the signs of depression. I believe this eight-episode show is something everyone in high school should watch for a better understanding of addiction and what it can do to you.

Hello, my name is Jakelynn! I'm a senior and I've been attending Kempsville since my freshman year. I'm not involved in anything other than The Treaty, but...