The Haunting of Hill House: A Chilling Watch

Ashlee Rowe, Staff Writer


What an amazing show this was to watch. The way it made my heart pound and my brain think was positively delightful. Twists, turns, and jump scares were episode regulars. Flashback scenes gave insight into what was happening and provided crucial background information. The characters were well developed and everything that went on was connected – even if it didn’t first seem like it.

The show messes with the mind, twists perspectives, and scares the crap out of people. It’s not strictly a horror show though, it’s more of a thriller because there are no outright or intense fears, it just makes the heart race and the body uncomfortable, and raises the hair on your arms.


The Haunting of Hill House is something to watch when you want a change of pace and you want to be paranoid before you go to sleep. I’m not going into detail with this show because anything said about the plot will give away too much – as I said, everything is connected – so watch closely and don’t blink.