Meet The Staff : Mr. Van

Jordan Christie, Editior in cheif

New faces are filling the hallways at Kempsville this year, but not all of them are students! A lot of new staff members have joined the Kempsville family and we are welcoming them with open arms. Here’s to a new year Kempsville, here are some of your newest staff members!

Jordan Christie: What’s your position here at Kempsville?

Mr. Nelson Van: I’m a Security Assistant.

JC: Have you worked at another school?

NV: No, Kempsville is the first, but I have been helping coach football here for 3 years.

JC: What made you want to pursue coaching and working in the school?

NV: I want to help change the community and I think sports and helping youth can attribute to that change. I want to help kids’ find a path and sports is a way to do that.

JC: Were you familiar with Kempsville before coming to coach here?

NV: Yeah actually, I graduated from Kempsville. Class of 2010.

JC: So does that mean Kempsville stands out to you in a way that other schools don’t?

NV: Yeah, of course! I’m an Alumni, I love Kempsville High and the community.

JC: We know that you’ve been coaching football, but is there anything else you are involved in around the school or community?

NV: Yeah, I coach Rec Basketball and a lot of the kids on those teams are students here.

JC: Can you mention one ‘Fun Fact?’

NV: Well I’ve been growing my hair out for 4 years now.

JC: Are you planning on cutting it soon or will you keep growing it?

NV: No, not anytime soon. I’m going to keep it growing.