Travel can be defined as “to go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length.” But does that tell the whole story? What actually is travel? How do we travel?
Traveling for leisure was first done by the Romans. Part of the reason they were able to do so was because they had developed the first road system. But another reason was because they were curious about other cultures.
“It was a desire to learn. They believed traveling is an excellent way to learn about other cultures, by observing their art, architecture and listening to their languages.”, a writer from culturetourist.com said.
Modern day travel is much different from travel during the Roman times. However, the reasons we should travel still apply. Traveling helps us explore more about the world and keeps our false pretenses about certain cultures in check. It is important to have accurate information about the traditions and cultures of other areas, and what better way to do that than to experience them yourself?
“Instead of using interconnectedness to seek out data that broadens our knowledge and understanding, too often we seek out information that reinforces our prejudices and fears.” says Jonathan Look Jr., a world traveler and a writer for Forbes.
There are many people who have not traveled outside of their area, and this is how false information occurs. Traveling can instill a new way of seeing things in someone. It can enrich your life in many different ways, whether that be spiritually, via a retreat in the mountains of Tibet, or mentally, via a beach vacation in Cabo San Lucas. If you’re an introvert, the quiet rolling hills of the Scottish Highlands are perfect for you. Or if you’re an extrovert, the bustling city of Stockholm, Sweden is the way to go. There’s a place for everyone!
“One of the great benefits of travel is meeting new people and coming into contact with different points of view,” says Pauline Frommer, travel expert and radio host.
Traveling is extremely integral to having a knowledge of the world around you by expanding your understanding of other cultures and traditions from your own experiences, rather than just from word of mouth or depictions from the media. I implore you, whether it’s to the next city over, or across the world; go somewhere!