Heros vs. Ville-ains
October 27, 2022
October 10 through 15 was Kempsville’s homecoming week, which is one of the biggest events at our school. Homecoming week is when Kempsville gets to show its Chief pride. The week consists of many different activities: hallway decoration contests, spirit wear, the parade, the big game, and the dance. This week Kempsville’s students and staff not only joined with one another but also with the community for the coming fall season.

Spirit wear is one of the biggest student involvement. Each day of the week consists of a new theme and the students are encouraged to join in. Monday was Adam Sandler day: students put on the baggiest clothes they could find out of their dad’s closet. Tuesday was heroes vs ville-ains. Students either picked their favorite villain or hero and got to dress the part for the day. Wednesday was by far one of the most student involvement wear with jersey vs. Jersey Shore. They either picked a favorite player’s jersey or dressed like one of their favorite Guidos. Thursday came in with one of the most creative outfits ever, pre-k vs. elderly day. Students shoved pillows up their shirts and stole their grandma’s clothes or took a baby’s pacifier and stuffed bear. Friday ended the week with a bang. Students got to wear colors based on their graduating class. Chief pride day leads up to a big pep rally at the end of the day for the whole school.
A big part of homecoming week that tends to be overlooked is the hallway decorations. The hallway decorations contribute to the school spirit that travels throughout the school. Each grade level gets to decorate its hallway following the homecoming theme. At the end of the week on Friday, the SCA announces what grade level wins the award for best hallway. Juniors came in first place with seniors just behind them as runners-up.

Friday is the most school-spirited day with the pep rally at the end of the day. The band marches through the hallways playing their instruments while the students follow them as they pass their classrooms. They all travel as one unit to the football field for the annual pep rally. The SCA organized a huge event for the student body to join together for a weekend of fun. All of the fall sports ran through banners and announced upcoming games. The cheerleaders performed a clean routine, which was followed by all of the grades’ homecoming court nominees being announced onto the field. They then joined their classes to compete in the games and the spirit stick. The grade levels battled with noise as they riled up to show who had the most school spirit. The seniors rightfully won their spirit stick that was later carried at the parade.
Friday evening the various grade levels, court nominees, and clubs joined together to involve the community with all the Chief pride. The school walked around the neighborhood with stickers, glowsticks, tattoos, and candy for the children of the community. This experience was felt throughout the community as we saw the various Kempsville alumni, current, and future Chiefs. The end of the parade route led to the football field where we saw the Chiefs take on Salem’s football team.
“I liked seeing everyone yelling in excitement for senior class,” senior Diana Denny, who walked in the parade with the class of 2023, said.

Friday night lights were in full effect as the school and community gathered in the stands to watch our Kempsville Chiefs take a tough battle against the Salem Sundevils. The stands were full of Chiefs dressed out in blue cheering on the Chiefs. The first quarter ended at zero to zero. Both teams ended the second quarter with seven to seven. The tough fight had only begun. The marching band and color guard made an outstanding performance at half time followed by the parade taking their final lap around the track. This was followed by the senior homecoming court nominees taking the field, with Lucia Morton and Sterling Homer announced as homecoming king and queen.
“I felt a sense of relief once they announced my name,” said Sterling Homer as he reflected on his emotions during the announcement.
Chief pride was saturated across the stands. In the second half of the game, the Sundevils barely got three points. The Chiefs locked in and with forty seconds left the Chiefs came in with fourteen to ten points. The Chiefs had won their game as the student section almost ambushed the football field with excitement.
The Chief pride from the week had built up to a night of dancing. Saturday night, the gym was transformed into a dance floor with heroes versus ville-ains across the walls. The students showed up in their best dressed to dance the night away. Halfway through the dance, the students parted ways in the middle of the floor to congratulate their homecoming court and the homecoming court king and queen. The night finished with the students exhausted from dancing their hearts away.
“…homecoming was definitely a time to remember forever,” said Kaiya Thomas-Bly, one of the nominees for the homecoming court.