A New Way of Teaching for a New Teacher

Taken from @kempsacademy on Instagram
October 21, 2020
Andrew Shakely, Kempsville High School’s newest technology education teacher, shared some insight on the virtual changes made to the school curriculum. He, like many of the new teachers, had to adapt before even teaching his first classes at the school.
“It really makes you think outside the box because there are so many things you can’t do virtually like you would in the classroom,” said Shakely. “Teachers have had to almost re-invent themselves seemingly overnight to accommodate what our students need in order to be successful while being away from the classroom.”
Including this year, Shakely has taught for a total of four years. Starting as a full-time substitute teacher in Pittsburgh, he later moved to North Carolina to further his career.
“I’ve always been pretty tech savvy growing up, but [technology education] is actually a brand new content area for me to teach, which is exciting,” Shakely said.
However, Shakely wasn’t always on the path to become a teacher.
“Teaching is actually my second career. Initially, I graduated with a marketing degree and worked in the steel industry for a few years before realizing that teaching was what I should be doing,” he said.
Being one of many new teachers to Kempsville High School, Shakely experienced a warm welcome.
“Everyone says I’ll get the full experience once we get students back into the building, but the people have been great my first month here,” said Shakely. “[I] can’t wait to see how the rest of the year goes.”
Outside of technology, Shakely values many other subjects.
“I’m a history teacher at heart; I taught Modern American History in [North Carolina] and loved making it relevant and interesting for my students. Outside of school, I’m really… into playing sports, music, and movies. I’m still the head volleyball coach at my former school and would love a chance to help the Kempsville team in the spring if they get a chance to play,” he said.
Of all the lessons Shakely wants to teach his students, one sits above all of them.
“I care for my students and strive to teach the whole person, not just the subject I’m assigned to teach them. If someone walks away from my class better and more well-rounded, then I feel like I did something right.”