Kempsville Celebrates Birthdays via Instagram

“They are the greatest in how they have handled this situation and how they have taken care of their students and their own families during this time. I am so proud to be a Chief,” Meghan Timlin, 39, says to colleagues and staff who are also working hard during this time.

Mylynn Hopper, Staff Writer

Due to the inconveniences caused by  COVID-19, people have had to put their lives on pause physically. Many people haven’t been able to meet with friends, family, and others in order to stay safe. Without being able to meet with other people, celebrations have been difficult to conduct. However, this doesn’t stop people from finding creative ways to come together and celebrates some of life’s milestones.


Academy Coordinator Megan Timlin helps celebrate student birthdays by posting the celebrated student on the Kempsville Academy Instagram page. At a parent’s request, the account will feature a picture of the birthday student with a few well wishes to commemorate the occasion.


“We are celebrating to help share in special moments that would have been celebrated with friends if we were in school,” Timlin said. “Parents have reached out to me to be involved in their children’s birthday parades.”


According to Timlin, parents who have organized a celebration for their child have asked for the account to participate and notify teachers and sometimes other students.


In celebrating student birthdays, Timlin hopes to acknowledge students in a time where they may not be able to be around their usual friends and families to celebrate.


“We just want to help celebrate as best we can. We know students are missing one another and they are so used to being with each other. We want to celebrate students in whatever way we can and we are willing to do whatever helps. People just have to ask. We are definitely using the account differently than we used to,” Timlin said.


Along with the use of the account, Timlin also thinks differently about the outcome of the year.


“It makes me think differently about everything. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about our students and the impact this has had on their lives. We love them so much,” Timlin said.


With everything being done differently, Timlin is adjusting accordingly to complete the school year much like the students. While not much has changed for Timlin, who runs the academy program at Kempsville, being out of school still has its effects on her.


“It’s changed a lot. Everything is virtual and online. We try to stay connected as best we can but it has all changed,” Timlin said.


However, despite all the differences and changes in life, Timlin still wants to inspire students to persevere for the rest of the school year.


“I’m reaching out and just trying to be here for them however I can be,” Timlin said


In the end, Timlin just wants students to know that she cares for them, she misses them, and that she’s glad to recognize students and their achievements, birthdays or otherwise.


“I think it’s super important to recognize students during this time however we can. We want to celebrate whoever we can, people just have to let us know what’s going on.”