Kempsville Seniors Paint Parking Spots
“The future is female,” says the quote on the parking spot of Elizabeth Willis, senior.
On October 19, students who had paid for reserved painting parking spots got the chance to paint their spots. Willis said that she chose “the future is female” because it had meaning for her.

The parking spot painted by Elizabeth Willis.
“I [have] grown up around female role models, and we are still fighting to become equal,” Willis said. “I just know that if we want change, we need to spread the word that the future is female.”
One of the other students, Gilbert “Gibby” Harris, went in a completely different direction, as he painted the shocked Pikachu meme.
“I just wanted to be different!” Harris said in way of explanation. “I don’t think anyone else would choose a Pikachu meme for their parking spot.”
Many of the students painting received their ideas from Pinterest or Instagram. One of these students, Sarah Justesen, had gotten her quote from Pinterest.
“We can’t direct the wind but we can adjust the sails,” her parking spot reads.

A friend of Gilbert “Gibby” Harris working on his parking spot, which depicts the shocked Pikachu meme.
¨I just thought it was a good little message…hopefully it will be a motivational thing [for the people who see it],” Justesen said. “We can’t control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we react to it.”
The idea to paint parking spots at Kempsville first occurred to Chase Brophy, SCA President, and Ms.
, the senior class adviser, and they turned into a fundraiser for the senior class. They put out a survey to seniors asking how much people would be willing to pay – which received over 150 responses – and then sold “reserved” spots for $15, and painting spots for prices between $30 and $40, depending on if the student brought their own paint or was using school-provided paint.
“I think they enjoyed it!” Malbone said, describing the fundraiser. “I think [the students] had a good time. For some of them it was more work than they realized, and for others, like Morgan [Harwood] and Morgan [Evans], they were done super quick.”
From inspirational quotes with deep meaning to memes, the seniors who participated clearly expressed their enjoyment toward their opportunity to have something personalized at the school.

Diana Denny is a freshman and new to the newspaper community. She has a passion for capturing heartwarming moments and for being able to photograph raw...
Sydney Haulenbeek is a senior and a fourth-year writer for The Treaty. When she's at school, photography, yearbook, Montage, and senior class consume her...