Op-Ed: Why You Should Vote for Timmy
Timmy Doss’s campaign slogan is “My eyesight might not be 20/20 but my vision for Class of 2020 is crystal clear.”
April 9, 2019
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the views of the writer and not of The Treaty as a whole, or of Kempsville High School and all of its students and staff.
It was a four-minute long interview, but I knew within a minute who I was going to vote for. I have voted for the student council every year I’ve been at Kempsville High School, but it’s my junior year and the first time I actually have an informed opinion. In the past I’ve scrolled down the Google form, selecting the people who I knew or whose names were familiar, noting the popular students, and clicking bubbles of the people who ‘seemed capable.’ My friends all did the same, with many pointing out that they didn’t know anyone on the ballot.
But this year is different, and I’d like to encourage you all to familiarize yourselves with the candidates on the topic. The student council leads and represents the student body, and the person you elect is going to be your stand-in in things that will impact you, such as Homecoming, Prom, and spirit week decisions. After having spoken with all of the candidates running for senior class president, I can tell you that it is clear who has the strongest and best-enunciated plans for their presidency – and it is Timmy Doss.
Timmy may not have participated in student council in the past, but he is more than qualified for the position. He leads an engineering group at the ATC where he handles customer needs, leads a team, and practices money management. He can adhere to student needs because he is adhering to customer needs already. And he isn’t running for fun with boisterous flashes and bangs – he is running because he genuinely cares about the students and the condition of the school.

Timmy Doss, left, speaking to a faculty member about his election goals.
Timmy is not a dramatic person – he has pointed out that “nobody has beef with me,” and if he was to be elected to office there would be no fear of social entanglements and drama hindering change. He doesn’t want to mimic the model of a traditional leader, instead focusing on guiding the student body, rather than simply pointing and demanding. “I want the people I lead to stand with me,” he said in his campaign speech, “and not behind me.”
Timmy has thought out realistic plans for change, and he believes that making changes in communication and student awareness can make the difference that students want – that student awareness is the first step in improvement. And he plans to act towards his goals, pushing to increase the spread of information and for more events and fundraisers.
“Now is the time to bring it all together and make that final push together,” Timmy said.
So the next time you walk past campaign posts and admire the glossiness, remember this: don’t just vote for the prettiest poster. Vote for the candidate who will stand up for your student rights. Vote for Timmy Doss for senior class president.