Language Classes Celebrate National Foreign Language Week

Sydney Haulenbeek, Editor in Chief

National Foreign Language Week began in Kempsville on Monday, March 4, 2019, and will carry on through Friday. This week, which is generally the first week of March, is celebrated by foreign language teachers and their classes, who have decorated the 800 hallway for the occasion.


One such teacher is Mrs. Balboa, a Spanish teacher, whose classes have been participating in the decorating.


Preston Lewis, junior, is in her Spanish IV class and played a part in the decorating. He helped to make and hang foreign flags and put up pennant banners.


Lewis felt that it was an interesting way to learn about the difference in celebrations in other parts of the world.


“It shows us [what traditions] that Hispanics will usually celebrate with; I actually didn’t know they celebrated with this until this year.”


He also liked that it allowed for freedom and class movement.


“It keeps the class active,” Lewis said. “It helps people get organized together. The whole class focused on one thing, which brings out everyone and helps people communicate with each other.”