SCA Souper Bowl 2019
SCA Soup-er Bowl collection boxes on Thursday, January 31, 2019.
January 31, 2019
The SCA began collecting donations of canned goods for KHS’ second annual “Soup-er Bowl” on January 28, 2019. This collection is planned to continue through February 1 and puts the two 2019 Super Bowl teams, the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams, against each other in can collection.

The Soup-er Bowl collection boxes on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.
The two donation boxes available are labeled “Rams” and “Pats” for each team, and students and staff can choose to donate in support of who they want to win. Donations will go to a local food bank.
This has created a playful rivalry among staff, as on Monday afternoon, Principal George tweeted the Kempsville Chiefs (@KHS_Chiefs) to “Bring in all your canned food and fill the RAMS box!” and Keisha Phillips, school counselor, spurred on the Patriots with a “Go Pats!” tweet and a picture of her canned goods.
When asked about the differentiation in box sizes, Drew Midgette, SCA Adviser, said that the SCA was just “thinking ahead and preparing for the Rams to receive more cans!”
Additional boxes have been added since.