Where There’s Smoke, There’s a Heater


Sydney Haulenbeek, Editor in Chief

When students entered the school on Tuesday, January 2, 2019, at the end of their winter break, they were redirected to the auditorium. Fire engines remained outside, two on the front of the building and two on the side, and once students were dismissed, three firefighters tracked past them in the hallway.


As teachers in the 700 hallway turned lights on that morning, they spotted an abnormality.


“When we came in there was smoke in the hallway,” said Ms. Bonney, a math teacher in the 700 hallway.  


Principal George went down to investigate, and the administration called the fire department. The cause of the smoke was a heater downstairs in the 700 hallway, to the left of the staircase. The motor locked up, which caused an electrical reaction that blew smoke into the hallway.


“It was not a hazard or a risk to the students,” said Assistant Principal Barbour. “But we had to get it checked out. It’s never happened before, and I don’t foresee it happening again. You can’t predict it.”


Maintenance on the heaters is performed routinely, Barbour assured. “There’s nothing you can do to prevent something like that.”