History teacher Phillip Strickland loves classic rock–and teaching

Kara Cardinal, Staff Writer

History teacher Phillip Strickland is a huge fan of classic rock: he’s saved every ticket stub of every concert he’s been to.

Strickland teaches Economics and World History II. He has been teaching for five years.

Before teaching at Kempsville, he taught two years at Lynnhaven Middle School, Green Run Elementary School, Plaza Middle School, and Lake Taylor Middle School.

One of his best memories from teaching is seeing how happy his students are after passing their SOLs.

Another thing about Strickland is that he is the Junior class sponsor.

“I am there for back up; the officers do everything,” Strickland said.

Strickland loves being at Kempsville.

“The school has reinforced my love of teaching,” Strickland said, “by having a strong sense of community, everyone cares, there is good teamwork and everyone helps each other.”

When Stickland went to Leadership Workshop in February 2018, he stated that he “enjoyed it thoroughly; it was great to see the enthusiasm in everybody.”

Before becoming a teacher, Strickland worked in the music industry. He was a manager at a place called Planet Music.