Junior Class 2020-21 Candidates
October 19, 2020
*Due to a lack of election profiles/meet and greet appearances, some candidates were left out of these comparisons.
A Side-By-Side Comparison
Jeremiah Lauderdale (Junior Class Presidential Candidate)
Jeremiah Lauderdale, an Entrepreneurship and Business Academy student, is involved in sports such as football, track, and swim. Last year, Lauderdale participated in the African American Male Summit, as well as various volunteer jobs around Virginia Beach. He is also a photography business owner—@757_jml_present. On his election profile, Lauderdale said, “I love to help and care for others as well as helping my community in general.”
Additionally, Lauderdale stated, “I am running for Junior Class President because… I listen to people and hear them out. I listen for what people want and try my hardest to deliver the product.”
His goals include creating Field Day and hosting a ring dance for Junior Class. Lauderdale also expressed interest in having students choose which teacher gives them the ring. Though COVD-19 makes holding a ring ceremony difficult, Lauderdale plans to find a safe solution.
In his election speech, Lauderdale said, “I don’t want anyone to look back and be mad because we couldn’t do this or that. But I want people to look back and be like, ‘oh yeah, class of 2022, when they were juniors, they went crazy, they changed history, they made a difference here at Kempsville.’”
Find more information on this candidate here.
Zach Bennet (Junior Class Vice Presidential Candidate)
*No election information available.
Stephanie Glenn (Junior Class Secretary Candidate)
*No election information available.
Katia Bass (Junior Class Treasurer Candidate)
Katia Bass is involved in swim and field hockey, while maintaining two jobs at Chick-Fil-A and Texas RoadHouse. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, as well as hiking, camping, and taking walks on the beach.
Bass has many fundraiser ideas such as a “Kempsville clothing store, school spirit Pura Vida bracelets, [and] fundraiser dinners.”
“With us currently not being able to be in person it makes it very hard for us to raise money, so we have to think outside the box. If you vote for me, I promise you to come up with clever and great ways to earn money,” Bass said in her election speech. “I’m also open to any and all suggestions from other students; I want everyone to feel like their voice is heard.”
At the candidate meet-and-greet, she said, “[I] put the students’ needs first.”
A few of Bass’ biggest goals include raising money and planning ahead for prom through online fundraisers and outside the box ideas.
She plans on using social media to hear all student voices via polls and messages. She put extra emphasis on the need for communication between kids at home, kids physically in school, and teachers.
Find more information on this candidate here.
Virna Zhang (Junior Class Treasurer Candidate)
Virna Zhang, an academy student, participates in DECA, Future Business Leaders of America, Interact Club, Mu Alpha Theta, basketball, and track. She was also recognized with the Virginian Pilot Scholastic Achievement Award.
In her election speech, Zhang highlights her experience with math and money through the Corporate Finance strand within the Entrepreneurship and Business Academy. Additionally, she won first place at the DECA regional competition in the Principles of Finance category and first place at the Future Business Leaders of America regional competition in the Accounting I category.
“I find that it is very important to not only invest in the students of our school but to also work toward bettering our community,” said Zhang in her election speech.
Find more information on this candidate here.
A Side-By-Side Comparison
Evan Nied (Junior Class Presidential Candidate)
Evan Nied, last year’s Sophomore Class President, is “running again because [he] wants to make this year great.”
Nied states that in order to push past COVID-19 issues, “it’s going to take a lot of creativity and a great relationship with the administration for that to happen.”
He claims to meet both of these requirements. Due to prior years of experience, Nied said, “I now know who to talk to so we can get what we need. They know me and will listen to me.”
A few of his plans for this year include Drive-In Movie Night, dividers in the boys’ bathrooms, and raising money for prom. Nield also details his background with Planting Shade on his election profile.
He closed out his election speech stating, “this year has been crazy—a bad crazy, but if you vote for me… it’s still going to be crazy—a good crazy.”
Find more information on this candidate here.
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Text Gap
Marcia-Kate West (Junior Class Vice Presidential Candidate)
Marcia-Kate West participates in activities such as SCA, girls lacrosse, Leadership Workshop, and Powder Puff. In addition, West has “been involved in SCA since sixth grade so I know what to do in a leadership role.”
If elected, West said, “I will work my hardest to make sure the juniors of Kempsville [H]igh [S]chool get what they deserve.”
Find more information on this candidate here.
Alayna Mozingo (Junior Class Treasurer Candidate)
Alayna Mozingo, an academy student, is involved in DECA and Powder Puff. She also participated in multiple Spirit Day events and Leadership Workshop.
On her campaign page, Mozingo claimed, “I believe everyone has a voice and it deserves to be heard. No matter who you are or what you look like, you are needed and enough.”
At the candidate meet and greet, Mozingo detailed her thorough experience as treasurer in fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and tenth grade.
“I love to plan events, especially fundraising events, and I just like to be able to see an end result,” said Mozingo.
Some of her main goals include raising funds for a ring dance, creating class-themed merchandise, and forming a financial board.
“I believe I have the mathematical skills and the passion to run for Class of 2022 Treasurer. As a result of the way 2020 has started, I hope to shed some light into the end of the school year by bringing my skills and my laughter into each meeting,” said Mozingo.
Find more information on this candidate here.